With remote learning well underway, I thought I’d share the artwork students have been emailing me while creating art from home!
I, along with the two AMAZING elementary art teachers in my district (Kim and Sarah YOU ROCK!), have been collaborating on creating weekly art activity suggestions for our students. One weekly art activity suggestion for grades K-2 and one weekly art activity suggestion for grades 3-5.
I’ve gotten a bunch of artwork via email from my students. Awesome work guys! Keep creating!
Some artwork below was created using one of our art activity suggestions for inspiration and some they came up with on their own.
Students below created some excellent positivity posters to hang in their windows in their homes. This was one of the 3-5 art activity suggestions “I can design: A Kindness Poster!” Create a positive motivational poster to send encouragement to others in the world around you. Then, display your poster where you live. You might even hang it in a window to send a positive message to others!”

Here are some sculptures made from nature inspired by the artist Andy Goldsworthy! This was one of the 3-5 art activity suggestions “I can create: A Sculpture made from nature” Go on a nature scavenger hunt and collect natural materials. Arrange them in a symmetrical design. Take a photo and show off your design!

This was one of the K-2 art activity suggestions “I can Build: A Robot Using Recycled Materials” Create a shape robot using any cardboard you are able to use. Cereal boxes and cracker packaging work well!

Below are some aliens students created. This was one of the K-2 art activity suggestions “I can Create: Draw your own alien” What shape is the body of the alien? How many eyes does your alien have? Does your alien have scales, fur, or something else? What name would you give it?

Below are from one of the K-2 art activity suggestions “I Can Create: Draw a picture of how you would look at age 75?”

Below are two students that drew along with me in my YouTube video on “How to Draw 2 Dogs on a Hill”! Nice work!!!

Here’s some more artwork students created!

I will be adding more student artwork very soon!
Students: If you would like to share anything you have created at home please send them to me! I’d love to see it and will post it here on my blog! Email me at mfilmore@naschools.net
Can’t wait to see what you all create!!!!
Take care everyone