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Mondrian inspired artwork -1st Grade
This fun art lesson also connects to math! While revisiting what the primary colors are, first graders also learn about the life and artwork of Piet Mondrian, continue to learn about various lines (horizontal and vertical) and learn about geometric shapes while creating their artwork.
After reviewing the artwork and life of Piet Mondrian, students created their own Mondrian inspired creations!
On day 1- Students first stamped black lines on 12×18″ white paper using a cut piece of cardboard that had been dipped into black tempera paint. We reviewed horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines. We discussed how the stamped lines had to connect and touch each other in order to create a shape- rectangles, squares, triangles etc.
On day 2- Students then carefully colored in a chosen selection of shapes with primary colors, (using markers), leaving some shapes white.
Learning Goals:
-Learn about the artist Piet Mondrian and his artwork
-Be able to identify primary colors, and use them in their art
-Be able to identify and create horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines within artwork
-Be able to Identify and create shapes within artwork
-Understand that shapes are lines that connect

On day 1- Students painted snow and snowflakes with white tempera paint on construction paper, then sponged on grey clouds. They then painted some bubble wrap with white acrylic paint.
On day 2- Students glued on strips of black construction paper for the sheep’s legs, brown strips for the fence, glued on the cut out sheep, then added google eyes!
These turned out so adorable! Thank you blps_art (via Instagram)!