First graders did such a fantastic job creating all these adorable scarecrow collages! 







Just look at all these happy, proud faces! And they should be! I know I am posting a ton, but I couldn’t resist! 















On day 1 of the lesson, students learned what a landscape is, and looked at various landscape paintings by the artists Vincent Van Gogh, David Hockney, and Grant Wood for inspiration! 

They then created their own landscapes by drawing 3 hills (using curved lines) with different types of lines within each hill.

Then they added a few clouds and a sun either setting, or up in the sky. Then went over all their lines pressing hard with various colored crayons. The only things students colored in completely, were the sun and clouds.

On day two, they painted over their hills and sky, creating a crayon wax-resist technique using liquid watercolors.

On day three, students created a scarecrow using little cardboard shirts, pants, and skirt tracers onto different cut patterned papers.


They glued down a couple pieces of raffia for arms, buttons, then added additional details with oil pastels, like hats, hair, facial details, and crows!

For more art lesson ideas and additional Scarecrow collages– click on 1st Grade Art Lessons listed under the Menu –then scroll down! Thanks for stopping by! 


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