5th Grade– 3D OP ART paper cone drawings!
(The pic above is my teacher example)
5th graders are currently learning about OP Art and looked at artwork by OP artists Victor Vasarely and Bridget Riley. They are drawing 3D paper cones using black sharpie, then will learn about the element of art value, and will add white colored pencil for highlights and black colored pencil for shading.
This lesson is going to be a great introduction to creating subtle value changes and will scaffold nicely into their grid drawing lesson later on in the year (see under 5th grade art lessons in the menu to check their AHH-maaazing grid drawings!!!!!)
I’m SOO excited about this lesson, and can’t wait to see their finished masterpieces!
I will be adding a step by step video tutorial on this process when they complete this lesson! Stay tuned!…
Here’s some pics of my 5th graders working hard on their drawings!
4th Grade– Victorian Architecture!
(artwork below by my 4th grade students from previous years)
Students are currently learning about architecture and the key elements that create Victorian style architecture! Students are also incorporating they’re math skills using rulers to create acute or obtuse angles for their gables, and various geometric shapes for their house! Students will learn about monochromatic color schemes and color in their Victorian homes with colored pencils.
I can’t wait to see all the amazing houses students will create!
To learn more about this lesson and view students Victorian house drawings from previous years- click on the main menu and select 4th grade art lessons and scroll down!
3rd Grade– Self-portraits with personal symbols!
(artwork below by my 3rd grade students from previous years)
Students learn about the artist Frida Kahlo, her self-portrait paintings, and what a symbol means. They’ll also learn how to draw facial features and learn blending techniques using oil pastels to create and blend colors together that best match their unique skin tone!
To view students artwork from previous years and learn more about this lesson, click on 3rd grade art lessons under the main menu and scroll down!
2nd Grade– 3D Water Lily inspired by Claude Monet!
(Photos above are of my teacher examples)
Students are currently learning about the artist Claude Monet and Impressionism. Students will learn the term mixed-media and create a 3D flower out of painted paper, felt, tagboard, and tissue paper!
I’m super excited about this new lesson I’m integrating into 2nd grade!! Kids have begun the painting process for this lesson at Amvet and will create the lily pad next! I can’t wait to see their beautiful results!!
I will be creating a step-by-step video tutorial on this lesson after they finish and will post it on my blog soon! Stay tuned!!….
1st Grade– Not So Scary Scarecrow Collage!
(artwork below is by students from previous years)
Students are learning what a landscape is and looked at landscape paintings by Vincent van Gogh, Grant Wood, and David Hockney for inspiration. Students used a variety of line to create details in their own landscapes and learn what the term collage is when they add their scarecrows!
(To view Not so scary scarecrow collages from previous years and learn more about this lesson, click on 1st Grade art lessons under the menu and scroll down!)
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