Each individual class at both Elementary Schools in grades K- 5 have their own unique “Star Chart” for Art.
The star chart is a positive reinforcement tool for students to earn points (or in this case, stars) as a class, in order to earn a “choice day” in Art. Choice day means students will be able to choose what they would like to work on in art for that day! Students will be able to choose from about 5 art activities for art that day. Usually it’s free draw on blank paper, color coloring sheets, creating and designing with Legos, and designing your own bookmark. Sometimes I offer students to pull out their laptop to play a game (that’s school appropriate) or follow along an art video tutorial.
Students can work on just one, OR all four art activities if they like, just as long as they clean up materials before selecting a new art choice. Choices have also included; making small sculptures with modeling clay, watercolor painting, drawing in their sketchbooks, and scratch art. These choices may vary and change depending on the day and availability of materials.
Each letter in the word “star” represents a behavioral goal and expectation while in art: being safe, thoughtful, accepting and respectful.
“Safe” meaning students are showing safe behavior with tools and materials, and their bodies.
“Thoughtful” meaning students are being kind and considerate of one another (for instance, a student helps another student pick up spilled paint without being asked, or encourages a friend if they see that they’re upset).
“Accepting” meaning students are accepting of each other’s artistic differences; ( for example, not saying negative comments on each other’s artwork; only giving an opinion if someone asks)
“Respectful” meaning students are respectful towards the teacher, each other, the art room materials. Listen to others while they are talking. Give each other “bubble space” (keep artwork off of other people’s artwork while working).
At the end of every art class I go over with students how I felt the class did as a whole. Students can earn full stars, 1/2 stars, or no stars for each category. Each student affects the whole class, even if just one or two kids aren’t being respectful it affects their star chart and what they receive for that day.
They earn a choice day once they receive 30 stars in total. Two half stars equal one whole star when tallied up. After a class earns their choice day, they begin with a blank chart again in the following art class.
Sometimes I offer students that are particularly struggling in art class a way to double their stars in one class. This happens if they can only achieve four full stars in their behavior as a whole class, then I double their stars that day.
On choice day, students will explore, have fun and experiment while learning and expanding their understanding of the methods, materials and techniques unique to the visual arts.