(More info. and how they were created below! Plus a little virtual gallery walk video!)
This fun self-portrait lesson combines art exploration in abstract art and color theory!
This lesson took (3) 40 minute art classes to finish.
On the first day of the lesson, students learned about abstract artwork and looked at a slideshow of artwork by various abstract painters (Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Joan Miro, Jackson Pollock and William de Cooning). We discussed how abstract art focuses mainly on lines, shapes, and colors.
ON DAY 1 After viewing the slideshow and doing a quick demo, students drew an abstract drawing using various lines, and shapes on 12×18″ medium weight tagboard. Students then went over all their lines with crayons being sure to press super hard (later on we would do a crayon wax-resist). They then filled out a short questionnaire with questions asking about their favorite things and things about themselves.
ON DAY 2 They painted their drawings using concentrated liquid watercolors creating a crayon wax-resist. Before painting we reviewed what the primary colors, secondary colors and warm and cool colors were. While kids worked, I took each students photo (which I later printed as a high-contrast black & white photo on printer paper).
ON DAY 3 Students glued their black and white self-portrait onto their painting. I printed these out ahead of time and cut each one out (not only to save time, but to ensure that no one would lose fingers or ears etc. when trying to cut them out themselves!!)
As I was cutting them out, I piled them up on top of each other and thought this was kind of a cool picture in of itself!
Then students cut out their pre-printed sentences into strips (Yep….I also typed up ALL kids answers and printed them out in Word…I know, I know…) and added them to their paintings using a glue stick! I’m not gonna lie….A LOT of prep went into this lesson– BUT–I think they’re too awesome not to do it!
Students are able to create and identify abstract artwork, use a variety of line and shape to create their drawings, learn about abstract artists and their artwork and can identify primary, secondary, warm and cool colors!
I hope you enjoy these awesome abstract self-portraits as much as I do!!
Here’s a fun little virtual “gallery walk” video of all their artwork!!
FYI– Parents—-Students at Roosevelt aren’t finished yet— I’ll be taking kids pics next week and then the following week they will finish them up!!! Also my cell decided to die as I was trying to get everyone’s artwork in the video above -so not all student work is in this video unfortunately. I tried!
To view additional abstract self-portraits by 2nd grade from previous years click on the menu and select 2nd grade art lessons and scroll down!
Thanks for visiting my blog!!
Thank you so much for this!! Doing this with ALL my kiddos, I love it so much. My sub will be starting it while I”m away. Thank you for the details!! xo! Cassie
Thanks Cassie!! Can’t wait to see them!! Have fun in Ohio!!