Dear students at Roosevelt and Amvet,
I miss you all!! ❤️
I hope that you and your families are all staying safe and healthy and are enjoying some imaginative, fun ways to create art at home!
I, along with the other two elementary art teachers of North Attleboro are hard at work coming up with creative, fun and engaging art activities that you and your families can try at home while school is closed. Be on the lookout for these fun art activity suggestions! They will be posted on the NAPS extended learning webpage SOON.
I’m also going to be creating some fun NEW step-by-step drawing video tutorials on my YouTube channel soon! I’ll blog these videos once they are filmed and edited and add them to my YouTube channel as well.
I just added some new photos of students creating art. My “Students Creating Art” link can be found under the main menu of this blog. Check that out after reading this if you haven’t already!
If you haven’t checked out my Art Games page, you can click on that link under my menu and play free educational art games as well!
Students, Remember the “What should I draw?” jar in my art room that you could use if you finished an art lesson early?! I’ve JUST included a link to all my original “What Should I Draw?” jar drawing ideas. You can check out that same exact list of drawing ideas found in my jar, HERE! Feel free to copy and print out these for fun drawing ideas to use at home! The link is also in my menu of this website.
1st-5th grade students from both Amvet and Roosevelt North Attleboro Elementary schools- Please Feel free to Email me any photos of any art you’ve been working on while at home! I’d LOVE to hear from you and see what creative things you have been up to!! My teacher email is which is also listed in my contact page of this site.
Below are some AWESOME 2nd grade Abstract Self-Portraits students finished creating at Roosevelt Elementary School before schools closed for the time being. I wish I took a photo and could share EVERYONE’S, but was only able to capture a handful. More about this lesson with students creating them below the artwork.

This fun self-portrait lesson combines art exploration in abstract art and color theory!
This lesson took (3) 40 minute art classes to finish.
On the first day of the lesson, students learned about abstract artwork and looked at a slideshow of artwork by various abstract painters (Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Joan Miro, Jackson Pollock and William de Cooning to name a few). We discussed how abstract art focuses mainly on lines, shapes, and colors.
ON DAY 1 After viewing the slideshow and doing a quick demo, students drew an abstract drawing using various lines, and shapes on 12×18″ medium weight tagboard. Students then went over all their lines with crayons being sure to press super hard (later on we would do a crayon wax-resist). They then filled out a short questionnaire with questions asking about their favorite things and things about themselves.
ON DAY 2 They painted their drawings using concentrated liquid watercolors creating a crayon wax-resist. Before painting we reviewed what the primary colors, secondary colors and warm and cool colors were. While kids worked, I took each students photo (which I later printed as a high-contrast black & white photo on printer paper).

ON DAY 3 Students glued their black and white self-portrait onto their painting. Then students cut out their pre-printed sentences into strips and added them to their paintings using a glue stick!

Thank you Bridgette ( for the idea!
I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post and check out other sections on this website for additional art resources and inspiration. And again, be on the lookout for some fun art activity suggestions you can try out at home that us elementary art teachers have created. These art activity suggestions will be posted on the NAPS Extended Learning district webpage soon. Awesome resources are available on that website for students/families to use already!
Stay safe and be strong!…….We will get through this!!
I miss you all so much!!
💗Mrs. Filmore